Tuesday, February 16, 2016

When it's your day.

Fort Severn, ON.

One of the challenges and pleasures of working shift work in the North is dealing with extremes. Weather aside, the social circumstance of essentially living two lives - one in the North as a temporary resident, one in the South as an absentee friend, family member, lover - adds a distinguished layer of stress and, if one is not careful, an emotional hardness tempered by cancelled flights and missed birthdays. It's not a line of work for everybody and it runs a personal cost for most who stick it out.

But no matter who you are, or what your trade is, when your day comes and it is time to go home after twenty or more working days in a row, there is often intense feelings of elation, release, and promise.

Today was not my day but it was for a few others. It warmed my heart to see them go with joyful exuberance knowing full well that my day will come soon too.